Paid services

Address: 57 Neftyanikov Avenue (main building, 4th floor)

Krivileva Nelly Viktorovna - Head of the Planning and Economic Department. Has a higher economic education.

Phone number of the department of paid medical services 7-13-30

The phone number of the administrator of paid medical services is 7-13-36

The phone number of the cash register of paid medical services is 7-13-39


Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan dated December 30, 2021 N 1375 PGG for 2022.

List of doctors of the State Medical Institution "Elabuga CRH" and Polyclinics of the State Medical Institution "Elabuga CRH" participating in the provision of paid medical services

Full name of the healthcare institution




Order on the organization of paid medical and non-medical services in the ECRB State Medical Institution

List of medical and non-medical services provided on a paid basis

Information on conducting medical examinations at the ECRB State

Medical Institution Regulations on the procedure and conditions for providing paid medical services

Work schedule of specialists

Orders, Resolutions on the provision of paid medical services in the State Institution "ECRB"

Samples of contracts

Hotline phones

Information on conducting medical examinations at the ECRB State Medical Institution

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